
Primera pareja del mismo sexo mexicana se casó hoy en Nueva York.

Tweet Hoy, Viernes, 5 de Agosto del 2011, Gilberto y Eduardo, una pareja del mismo sexo de origen mexicano, hicieron historia al convertirse en la primera pareja de mexicanos en … Continue readingPrimera pareja del mismo sexo mexicana se casó hoy en Nueva York.

A beautiful place for your wedding, sweet sixteen photography.

Tweet New York City has many beautiful places where you can take your wedding, sweet sixteen u other event pictures. Lupita Photography can take your photographs. You don’t need to … Continue readingA beautiful place for your wedding, sweet sixteen photography.

Affordable Sweet Sixteen Photography

Thanks to this family for the opportunity to take Alyssa sweet sixteen photos. Tweet Photos were taken at her home when she was getting ready. The limousine came to pick … Continue readingAffordable Sweet Sixteen Photography